Airbnb - Brian Chesky
Airbnb - Brian Chesky
Crucible Moments is a podcast series about the inflection points that shaped some of the most important companies of our time.
Initially a website that connected strangers to sleep on air mattresses on each other’s floors, Airbnb defied the odds as it exploded to become one of the breakout tech unicorns of the early 2010s. However, Brian Chesky remembers worrying, “this is just one accident away from being a dead idea.” That accident finally came in 2011 when a host’s apartment was ransacked. More than a PR crisis, it was an existential reckoning—but it fostered a transformation that led to Airbnb becoming the beloved go-to global travel behemoth it is today. The questions Chesky learned to ask himself would guide him through navigating the company’s next crucible moments, including a pandemic that shut down global travel: “What’s the principle decision?” and “How do we want to be remembered?”
“A host in San Francisco named EJ reported that somebody stayed in her home and ransacked it. And it became viral. Suddenly, there was this massive

Sequoia investment memo

Page 2 of Nubank's seed round pitch deck
Some companies pivot before finding their way, but Nubank has executed exactly the vision they outlined in their seed deck more than a decade ago. The only thing that changed was their name.
Some companies pivot before finding their way, but Nubank has executed exactly the vision they outlined in their seed deck more than a decade ago. The only thing that changed was their name.

Early Robinhood footage courtesy of Adam Fowler

Chris Slowe and Steve Huffman

UiPath IPO April 2021

YouTube pitch deck presented to Sequoia Capital in 2005

Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim working on YouTube in 2005.

www.youtube.com domain registered in 2005 for $43.99
Jawed Karim in the first YouTube video, “Me at the Zoo”
Behind the episode
Brian Chesky
Brian Chesky is the cofounder and CEO of Airbnb. In 2007, Brian and Joe Gebbia became Airbnb’s first hosts and have grown the company to over 4 million Hosts who have welcomed more than 1.5 billion guests.
Ellie Mertz
Ellie Mertz is the vice president of finance at Airbnb who helped the company navigate both the COVID-19 pandemic and the company’s subsequent 2020 IPO. Ellie serves on the board of DoorDash and Faire.

Alfred Lin
Alfred Lin is a partner at Sequoia on the seed/early team. He sits on the boards of Airbnb, DoorDash, Houzz, Zipline and more.


AIRBNB TEAM DINNER November 3, 2009
AIRBNB TEAM DINNER November 3, 2009


Airbnb Hits $47 Billion Value In IPO
Other Episodes
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